Thursday, July 31, 2014

Big Tip on Small Order

One thing I don't like about the new town I am delivering in is that almost no one has a light shining on their house numbers.  It is so difficult to read house numbers in the dark.  If you order food after dark, put your porch light on please!

My most surprising tip tonight was $8.50 on a $12.58 order (cheese sticks & a big cookie).

Tonight's shift was short due to my busy schedule this weekend and the upcoming rib festival.  Totals for the night are 5.5 hours, 8 runs, $24 in tips, and 37 miles.


Unknown said...

Great information. Thanks for sharing

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Anthony Gardner said...

Got a $15 tip the other night. $25 dollar order, two $20s in my hand. Nice lady.