Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Money Making Monday

We were super-busy tonight. I think it's the $10 pizzas. Of my 16 deliveries, 4 were a single $10 pizza and 2 were 2 pizzas for $20. Most of the other 10 included a $10 pizza but with wings, breadsticks, pasta, Pepsi, I really can't say which ones.

I worked 5 hours and took 16 deliveries, drove 53 miles, and made $44 in tips. My first 6 deliveries each tipped $3. My next trip was a double that tipped $5 on the first house and $1 on the 2nd house.

Adventure of the night was a delivery to xx07 West ave. I get there and there's xx05 and xx09. I call the customer 3 times before they answer and admit they are on xx07 Middle ave. (Luckily just a block away). I'm on the phone as I'm pulling in their driveway and still they let me wait on the porch at least a couple minutes before opening the door. Want to guess if they tipped? (No).

My only other stiff was my last run of the night. He was so excited to get his pizza so fast, he had been quoted an hour on the phone. He questioned whether his pizza was fresh. (It was, we don't premake anything, ever). He said he wanted me to always deliver his pizza. I'd be happier with never.

At one point tonight we had 6 drivers in the store. Joel, Joel's mom, 3 new guys (Matt, Jonathan, and Paul?) and me. But 2 of the new guys may have just been doing prep and dishes, I never saw them on the road. Any other Monday it would have been WAY too many drivers but tonight we needed them all!

1 comment:

JSquareD said...

Congrats Kevin. The $10 pizza deal isn't helping this driver too much, nor the Drivers at my store. It's mainly the neighbor we deliver, so hit and miss. On Monday I took 13 deliveries. I ended the night with $35 including store reimbursement.

The one that really burned my ass was a delivery to the Juvenile Detention Center at 9pm. I called when I got there and Ruwanada said she would be right there. It was my last run of the night, credit card, so I waited for her. I ended up waiting for 20 minutes and the fellow behind the desk said he didn't have time for this "shit" and he took the pizza from me.

Needless to say I was rather upset. I get back to the store to vent to management and he was dealing with the Help Desk from India to try and fix the till that just stopped working.

Good luck to you.