Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wrong Driveway

Well in contrast to last Monday (no stiffs) I had 5 out of 11 stiffs tonight. Luckily for me the other 6 customers each tipped $3 to $5.50 so I ended up with $24 in 5 hours work (driving 40 miles). Our reimbursement went up to $1.05 per run ($1 last week and .95 for a long time before that) so I got $11.55 towards gas.

On my next to last delivery, I was looking for house number 329. I saw 319 and 2 houses down there was a house with a porch light on, so I pulled in. Their house number was small and on the mailbox by the door, I was out of my car before I saw it was 327. Instead of restarting and moving my car, I just walked (on the sidewalk) to the house next door.

I saw a woman come to the door (of 327, the wrong house) in a bathrobe, look out, and shut off her porch light.

After I made the delivery, the woman came back to the door and called out to me to not hit her cars that were parked in the street. Thanks for the good advice but I wasn't planning on it anyways!

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